
Who Am I?: The Christian Hunger for Self-Identity is unavailable, but you can change that!

Using New Testament passages, Thomas examines how the Christian is to think, and explains how a correct, biblical view of self should radically transform our Christian living. Starting from the premise that how we think has everything to do with how we behave; he emphasizes our need to understand the death/life paradox in order to be able to live lives appropriate to our new identity in Christ....

His Son as dying the death of many people, because the death He died, He died in the place of others. So, as far as God is concerned, you are now a dead person. Fact number two: Death frees a person from sin’s control Corpses do not sin. Adam and Eve were sinless until they yielded to the serpent’s suggestion to eat the forbidden fruit. Jesus Christ was sinless throughout His life. Aside from these three people, the only others who do not sin are dead people. A cemetery is a sinless community. The
Pages 21–22